Saturday, September 10, 2005

Rear wheel arches

A productive couple of hours in the shed today.

There are the little boxes in front of the rear wheel arches. Rusty of course.

So cut that out.

Started work on a replacement:

I think I'm going to be lazy and not grind the welds. Will be covered in bitchumin later anyway.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Bonnet pins

A little work on bonnet pins today. You can't really see it in the pic, but the stainless tops are screwed into the bonnet.

Just tacked so far.

Yolande helped by stripping some paint. She was using the wire wheel in the angry grinder and all.

So everyone knows how hard it is to work under a roundy bonnet. Eventually you unbolt the hinges. Because it's a mini, you quickly learn not to do them back up again because you'll be back in there shortly :D Eventually the paint gets minced up in the corners from pulling the bonnet on/off all the time. You worry about someone stealing you bonnet or engine parts every time you park.

So I decided to go for some bonnet pins at the rear of the bonnet and leave out the hinges (well, will probably need the hinges to get through rego). Flush fitting key type $24.

I'm going to put some rubber striping around the bonnet edges once painted to hopefully minimise paint damage when replacing the bonnet.

The lock mechanism is really simple, and flimsy. I know there isn't much force at this end of the bonnet normally though, since I ran around with the hinges unbolted for a while.

Striping the paint from the tray. It was thin and brittle. Lotsa rust under the paint. Whoever did it last really skimped.

Floor cleaning

Decided to clean the rest of the tar and dirt off the rear floor today. The whire wheel was kicking up lots of dust, so did it by hand with a chisel.

Some rust that I already knew about:

Still some paint to come off, but looking better.

Inching closer to ready to paint.